
Duo Chats

Team Smitten
Team Smitten
  • Updated

Once all four members of the Duos have liked, congratulations! You now have the green light to start chatting. Here are some fun tips to kick off your Duo conversation:

  • Break the Ice: Start with a light-hearted question or a fun fact about you and your friend. Maybe something like, "If our duo was a movie, what would the title be?"
  • Use profile content to start a conversation: "Hey, I saw on your profile that you had traveled to Bali!"
  • Share Stories: Share a funny or interesting story about how you two met or your favorite adventures together.
  • Ask Questions: Get to know the other Duo by asking about their hobbies, favorite movies, or dream vacations.
  • Plan a Duo Date: If things are going well, suggest a fun activity that all four of you can enjoy together.


Duo conversations are a fantastic way to meet new people while having the comfort and support of your friend. It adds an extra layer of fun and can lead to memorable double dates.


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